The Play Station Network is back up!!! You can now get back on still the best Blu-Ray player out there. The game system that has done great things is back up. If you live on the East Coast you should be all set. Other parts of the world are coming up as you read this. That is way ahead of the May 30th day that was given.

Sony has taken great steps to get they system back up and running. They have to be commended for sticking to their word and getting the system up by the date stated. We can rest assured that the network is now more secure than anything ever conceived by the Sony just months before.

Not all of Sony’s Network us up. The Retail Loyalty Site is still down at the moment. It is used to educate retail employees about ironically enough Play Station Network, PS3, PS2, PSP and games. Pretty much anything to do with gaming. Thanks @SonlyRLS for the heads up on the training site.

By Rubens Saintel

Proud father, #Haitian, photographer, consultant, writer & entrepreneur. I love video games, movies, plays, technology (surprise), beta testing apps and all things sci-fi. | |

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