To be clear this will be a rant, factual but never the less a rant. I went to investigate what was taking so long for my direct deposit from PayPal. I discovered that Paypal has set my account to “limited” status.
What does that mean?
*You can not receive payments
*You can not send or request money
*You can not close your account
So even though I am a Verified PayPal user. PayPal says on the site that “In addition to increased security, buyers and sellers value your Verified status because it indicates you have passed PayPal security checks.”
What does it take to get out of Limited limbo?
You have to fax or email the following information into a PayPal. A company that is not a bank or financial institution. That is not FDIC insured.
• Confirm your bank account (Your full routing and account number)
• Confirm your credit card (Your card number and the 3 number code)
• Photo ID (Government issued only)
• Proof of Address (Utility bill)
• Supplier Contact Info (Where you brought your product)
• Provide Proof Of SSN (That’s right a copy of your Social Security card)
• Confirm Location (They call your phone, why not use the Photo ID?)
• Provide proof of delivery (Easy enough)
As you can see the request is very long and very sensitive. I did it all but I refused to send in, email or fax my social security information. The line had to be drawn somewhere. What did PayPal say? “We have to keep you account on Limited Status indefinitely.” So my account that is full of money from eBay sales will remain there for 180 days. For Half a year PayPal will be collecting interest from my money because I do not wish to give them my personal information. I will from now on only be using Amazon which is direct to the point and safe. Some good reads more about the real PayPal are and