If you were one of those that thought that ApplePay can not make your wallet obsolete because your driver’s license still needs a place to call home, we have some needs for you. Soon you won’t have to carry a physical card with you. The Iowa Department of Transportation will begin allowing those that get a new driver’s licenses to also use an iPhone app to show their license.
At a state agency budget meeting the director of the Department of Transportation in Iowa said plans for these digital driver’s licenses are moving forward very fast. Even so, the digital driver’s licenses app wont come out until 2015. We hope it takes off so more states can follow along in Iowa’s footsteps.
We are really moving forward on this. The way things are going, we may be the first in the nation.Having this really allows people to protect their identity. People will still be able to stick a traditional plastic driver’s license in their wallet or purse if they choose. It is basically your license on your phone. The app can be shown to Iowa law enforcement officers during traffic stops and by security officers screening travelers at Iowa’s airports.
The app would be considered an Identity Vault app. The app will keep your information safe within the app. Users will have to use a PIN number to access the information within the app. We would like to see TouchID implemented on the app. If any state can pull this off it is Iowa. Iowa is already allows motorists to show electronic proof of insurance during a traffic stop. Rather than digging through clutter in your glove compartment for an insurance card, you can simply hand the law enforcement officer your mobile phone. Iowa is also expanding driver’s license kiosk locations, and it has experimented with a new method for accelerated bridge construction through modular construction.