
apple hour of code

Apple is a major supporter of coding.  Which is why they promote the skill in their Apple Stores.  To do this, they have Hour of Code sessions at their retail locations.  These coding sessions are held across the world at the same time.  If you’re interested in these coding sessions, they will be available from December 4 to 10th.  These sessions coincide with Computer Science Education Week.

“For the fifth year, Apple Stores will participate in Hour of Code with daily coding sessions in celebration of Computer Science Education Week. Young aspiring coders can learn coding basics during a Kids Hour session, while those age twelve and above can use Swift Playgrounds on iPad to learn coding concepts and even program robots. A new Teacher Tuesdays session helps educators learn how to teach code to students using new resources and discussion topics.”

To specify, Hour of Code isn’t limited to Apple.  There are so many organizations, individuals, and schools involved in this initiative.   Which makes it a really incredible and potentially powerful thing.  I think this is a great initiative for a couple of reasons.  It allows kids to gain a better understanding of how the apps that they create work.  Even if this doesn’t inspire them to go into that line of work, it does teach them how to gain a better understanding of what’s happening underneath.  Perhaps this will lead to being able to think in a more critical way.  Which will help in whatever career they choose.  I also think this is great for young girls.  I might sound a bit sexist, but these kinds of careers have traditionally been filled by men.  Hopefully, the Hour of Code will get more young girls involved so they can determine if this is the career path that they even want to pursue.


If you are wondering why Hour of Code wants to promote computer science, the answer is quite simple.  They believe that every student should have the opportunity to learn computer science.  Like I said, and what they are quick to point out is that it helps to nurture problem-solving skills, logic, and creativity.  If they’re able to get students starting early, they will be able to build a strong foundation for success in whatever career path they choose.  And that doesn’t necessarily mean computer science.


Getting back to Apple now. They are such strong believers in the benefit of code, they are also introducing a challenge to anyone who is using Swift Playgrounds. There will be a new Hour of Code challenge within the app that will let coders create a digital robot and customize it with different parts.  Which means, if you’re already trying to learn to code through Swift Playgrounds, you’re going to be met with some more challenges to help you through those lessons.  All of this is really great.  I don’t want to make it sound like it’s only Apple who is participating.  Many other organizations are as well.  If you’re wondering if there is an Hour of Code taking place near you, though, you can head over to Apple’s website and search by location.

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