How to Distribute Your Content Far and Wide
The last post in this series will help you learn how to distribute your content. Sure, this might sound easy – simply post to a few social media networks and you’re golden. That is certainly a strategy, but perhaps not the most effective. Don’t get me wrong, social media is a great tool and will definitely help. But that shouldn’t be your only strategy.
Once your blog post is written and published, you can set up an easy sharing schedule with Buffer. Buffer allows you to schedule your new article to go to your social networking channels multiple times with different headlines or images attached to each update. This is a must-have tool for someone who is trying to manage multiple posts and even multiple social networking platforms.
EMV Headline Analyzer
Emotional Marketing Value checks for emotional words and then the analyzer tool gives you a score. When I first heard about this tool, I thought the goal would be to have fewer emotional words in your headline. Because being “emotional” is typically regarded as something negative. However, once I researched this tool a bit more, I discovered that you want to have anywhere between 50%-75% of emotional words in your post. Not only that, the analyzer will let you know if your headline is emotional, empathetic or spiritual.
Click to Tweet
Built by the team at CoSchedule, Click to Tweet is a popular WordPress plugin. Which makes it simple to highlight snippets of your blog post for readers to easily share on Twitter. If you’re not using WordPress, you could consider a tool like clicktotweet. I know, they sound like the same thing but they’re not. I assure you!
Filament is another WordPress plugin. This one contains a group of useful features including Flare. Flare is a social sharing button that makes it easy for others to share your blog post on Twitter or Facebook for example. Other filament apps include: MailChimp subscribe form, Google Analytics tracking, and all in one profiles, code management, and share highlighter.
Digg Digg
Digg Digg was built by Buffer engineers a few years ago. Digg Digg has incredible integration and is flexible in terms of where you can place the share buttons that you want to use.
Google Webmaster Tools
Signing up for Google WebMaster Tools will help you reveal a lot of SEO opportunities for your blog posts. For instance, you can see where you rank in search results for certain keywords. Then you can build links to your most popular keywords posts in order to increase your rankings even more.
MailChimp is one of the biggest, best and free ways to send email to your list of contacts. You can set up automated campaigns that deliver each new post that you write. Or you can create campaigns from scratch. MailChimp offers free accounts for those with fewer than 2,000 contacts in their list.
You can run A/B tests of your headlines with this WordPress plugin from KingSumo. If the cost is a bit steep for Headlines ($99 for lifetime access), you can try out the other Sumo plugin – SumoMe. It offers some handy tools for growing an email list, analyzing your blog posts and sharing social media content.
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