
Tom Hanks‘ son Chet Hanks aka  “Chet Haze” recently launched his career as a rapper, as he attends college at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

The budding rapper, who is a sophomore, recently dropped the track “White & Purple,” while he earns a degree in Theater at Northwestern.  I hate to say but the track is not bad at all.  Chet says to the Washington Post “Hip-hop has been something that’s been a big part of my life for a while. It’s something I love and is a passion of mine. It started off just as a huge fan, you know, listening to a lot of different types of hip-hop.”
According to Chet Haze, his love of Hip-Hop music eventually inspired him to start to make his own rhymes and choose to become a rapper.Chet Haze also believed that his famous father, actor Tom Hanks and his race, would overshadow his true skills as a rapper.

“I don’t know if I could ever do this. I’m not from the ‘hood. I’m not a gangster. I’m a white kid from the suburbs,” Chet Haze explained. “Recently, over the past few years, with the emergence of other great MCs who share more similar backgrounds to me, I started to realize that I have this lyrical ability. I have talent. Who says that you have to be, you know, you have to fit all the characteristics of being from the hood, all that, to rap?”

The recent success of Drake helped Chet Haze cast his doubts about his background aside and dive into the rap game head first, with the blessing of his mother and father.

“They do know about it and they share my excitement. And they’re also very supportive, which is something I appreciate,” Chet Haze said.


More power to you Chet Hanks. I will not be a hater but I am going to need to hear an orignal song from you first to get as excited and supportive.

By Rubens Saintel

Proud father, #Haitian, photographer, consultant, writer & entrepreneur. I love video games, movies, plays, technology (surprise), beta testing apps and all things sci-fi. SaintelDaily.com |AppleWatch101.com | NBA101.com