What is the most embarrassing thing to happen to you? That is nothing compared to what happened at the Miss Universe pageant? If you were to tune in to the Miss Universe pageant you were treated to the most embarrassing moment for a show host. NBC aired the live show in primetime. The awkward moment will sure to be in Vines recaps of 2015.
Miss Colombia, Ariadna Gutierrez-Arévalo thought she won. The host called her named. The music came on. She was doing the wave and the crown was placed on her head. Host Steve Harvey had just one job. Somehow Steve Harvey read the wrong name on the card. There were only 3 names on the card. He’d read the card wrong and mixed up the winner and the first runner-up. The names were very well spaced so I don’t know how that mistake happened. Miss Philippines, Pia Alonzo Wurztbach, was the rightful winner.