Cards Against Humanity is not a game for the faint of the heart. Now that it has released Hillary vs. Trump version things are getting personal. The humor might be a bit much if you hold personally bias to one candidate; your feelings will get hurt. The new special version of this hilarious card game is completely focused on the election season. The US presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump inspired decks will be sold for $4 each, and comes with 15 new cards. While you have the option to buy Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump decks the money raised will go to Hillary Clinton.


“At the end of this promotion, Cards Against Humanity will tally up the sales of both packs, and depending on which pack gets more support, we will donate all the money in support of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The funds that we take in will be split between direct, legal contributions to Hillary Clinton’s PAC, contributions to groups opposing Trump, and get out the vote programs in swing states.”

Cards Against Humanity does not care how you feel about it. Yes, they are very bias about their candidate of choice. Should you have a problem with that you can direct your feelings emails to

By Rubens Saintel

Proud father, #Haitian, photographer, consultant, writer & entrepreneur. I love video games, movies, plays, technology (surprise), beta testing apps and all things sci-fi. | |