This is only my opinion, and not the representation of Saintel Daily, LLC.
Former First Lady, Michelle Obama has some strong words for women who voted against Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential election. Obama states “any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice”. She goes on to say, “what does it mean for us as women that we look at those two candidates, as women, and many of us said, that guy, he’s better for me, his voice is more true to me”. And she’s right. What woman can look at Donald Trump and say that he is more representative of your voice as a woman, then another woman? Obama continues by saying “well, to me that just says you don’t like your voice. You like the thing you’re told to like”.
Again, she’s right. The women who voted for Trump did what they were told to do. Maybe by society. Maybe by their husbands. But they certainly didn’t listen to their own voices. 94% of African-American women (who voted), voted for Hillary Clinton. Whereas only 53% of white women (who voted), voted for Donald Trump. Which is a horrible, horrible statistic. I think part of the reason that she didn’t get the votes is that women love to hate on other women. They love to see when another woman fails or isn’t able to do something. It makes them feel better about their own insecurities. I’m not saying this is right, but it happens. And many women believe that a man is better at running the country than a woman. And what has that done?
I am not suggesting that I’m perfect. I have my moments when I see a woman that is doing better than me, and I naturally compare myself to her. But I don’t wish them to fail. I compare myself, which ultimately leads to me feeling worse about me. That’s all on me. It’s an internal thing. But what, I think happened during the election was that people saw Clinton and wanted to see her fail. Maybe they didn’t like her? Or maybe they didn’t think she could do the job… but she wasn’t given the opportunity. So instead we have a president who doesn’t care about diversity, or women’s rights. Or even reproductive health for women. Do you think any of these things would have happened on Clinton’s watch?
It’s unlikely because she knows and understands what its like to be a woman. Trump only understands women in his family. Women who come from wealth. Women who have everything and never need to worry about certain things. But there are so many more women who need those services and resources that are being taken away. They need to be able to have procedures, or even to go for a check up without having to go into debt. The entire thing doesn’t make sense to me. And maybe Clinton wasn’t the best choice for president, but the current choice shouldn’t have even been on the ticket. Obama hit the nail on the head when she described these women as voting against themselves, and therefore having their voice removed. And now we just have to live with it.