The magazine is full of ads but they are fun, interactive very social. Some would say that the ads might be more fun and entertaining than the magazine content. Wired for the iPad app to is still not worth $3.99 per issue but while it’s free you should give it a try. The app getting bad reviews in the App Store because of a bug or it could just be that Wired didn’t think people would care. Either way people are losing previous issues that were purchased.
Pro: Great app with very compelling interactive ads. It’s free this month. That is the best pro for it.
Con: The content leaves much to be desired. It’s only free for one month. The file size is 380MB
Cost: $0 (just may issue)
Aye/Nay: This is a Aye. This is a slick program for quick mix downs and ideas. $10 worth it.
iTunes Link: Wire Magazine for iPad
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