Redbox the Kiosk movie rental giant who had a great hand at taking out Blockbuster is now going after Gamefly. I for one love Gamefly but the only thing that sucks is the wait. Redblox would not have that issue. You can just go the box and take out your game. Now the draw back to that is you have to pay $2 a day. There is no per day charge fee with Gamefly. You can send back the game back whenever you wish.
If you plan to beat the game in just a few days then it is a win for you but in the long run I do not see how this will work for games. Games are interactive unlike movies. You are done with a movie after 2 hours. Where as games take much more time to complete. Starting June 17th. The $2/day game rentals will include selections for PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii.  26,000 locations should have the game boxes very soon.

By Rubens Saintel

Proud father, #Haitian, photographer, consultant, writer & entrepreneur. I love video games, movies, plays, technology (surprise), beta testing apps and all things sci-fi. | |

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