If you’re an Apple Watch nerd, like me, then you’re definitely going to want to check out this post. With spring just around the corner for those of us on the east coast, this post might make you feel a little bit better about the weather. Regardless of your style, we have an Apple Watch band for you to try out this spring. Many of these have already made it into my shopping cart. Let us know which one is your favorite.
Baby-Pink Sport Band
This band actually isn’t set to be released until the end of March. But damn, it looks good. While I love pink I tend to prefer brighter and bolder pink colors. To me, light pink screams of a baby too much. But I am actually digging this color myself. I also like it because it’s a sports band. I need to add something to my workout routine other than more weight. This one is a bit pricey, but you’ve already invested a heck of a lot into the Watch itself, so why not treat yourself and accessorize? Pick this one up for $49 from Apple.
What do you think of the design? Is it too much, or is it just enough? This is part of Apple’s #2018Spring collection. Known as the Single Tour Rallye, Hermes taps into the history of automobile racing. The design references the classic Hermes driving glove. It is available in three colors – white, black and blue. When I said that the Apple Wath band above was going to set you back, it pales in comparison to this Hermes band. Maybe it’s worth it to some, but this gal doesn’t have $439 in her budget for a Watchband. Why am I so practical?
I am not a huge fan of this particular watch band. I favor classic lines and simple designs. But there is bound to be one or two designs that I don’t like. That said, this is still a really fun watch band. They say “fortune favors the bold”, so maybe I’m missing out on something. While this isn’t my personal favorite design, it definitely is unique and a conversation starter for sure. If you love this design, it does come in a few different colors and starts at $175.
Nylon Pink and Purple
This is a really inexpensive Apple Watch band. It will only set you back $11 on Amazon, and it’s very fun and spring-like. It is nylon, so it’s not as fancy as some of the other’s that are listed here, but it might be one that you’d add to your collection just for the sake of more color.
Marble Floral
If you’re looking for something a little bit more timeless, then this is the Apple Watch band for you. Not only that, but it’s handmade and extremely unique. You can find this one on Etsy for a mere $32. The band only comes in the one design, but you do have your choice of the color for the adapters.
So Much Purple
As I mentioned earlier in the post, I like simple designs and classic colors. This lilac Apple Watch band is definitely more up my alley. But it also forces me out of my comfort zone by giving me a pop of color. As I also said earlier in the post, this is one that made it into my shopping cart. For $15 on Amazon, it’s a steal. Note, I have this one in black, and I love the way it feels on my wrist, and it looks good too.
If you’re looking for more bling, and less Apple Watch-like design, you should try one of these modern jewelry designs. First up is this V-Moro Jewelry Cuff, which comes in a variety of colors and will cost you about $22 on Amazon. Or if you’re looking for something a little bit more unique and with a ton of bling, check out this beautiful design from Etsy.
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