LG has just came out with a basic clone of an Apple Air laptop. The new laptop is part of Intel’s new ultrabook camp. The Xnote Z33 has the same shape as the Mac Book Pro but it boots Windows in less than 10 seconds so they manufacturer says. LG says that the Rapid Start Technology is what helps them make that happen. The LG Xnote Z330 has a screen size of 13.3, weighs 2.7 pounds and is thinner then Apple’s MacBook Air.
This little wonder has a 1.7GHz Core i7 processor,4GB of RAM, 256GB SSD and also new wireless display technology called WiDi. Yes, it still has a HDMI-out. They say battery life should last more than six hours but that is yet to be tested. You can base model at $1,500 or the well stocked model at $2,300.