

Thew new logo for Yahoo! is not mind shattering in the least but it does show that the company is looking forward. At midnight, Yahoo unveiled its new logo. So after 30 days of some pretty far out there versions of the logo, they went with something more down to earth. The new shade of purple is very bright. However, the logo is more traditional and shows Yahoo is changing inside and out.

Glenn Tokunaga, Art Director and Senior Brand Specialist at Yahoo, says:

For Yahoo! employees, this isn’t new. We’ve been bleeding purple since 1996 when we anointed it as our corporate color. Why purple? Lore has it that our notoriously frugal co-founder, David Filo, got a great deal on lavender paint for our decrepit offices. But ultimately, purple evokes everything that makes working here so unique. Now we want to share that energy with you.




Marissa Mayer gave her thoughts on the new logo:

So, one weekend this summer, I rolled up my sleeves and dove into the trenches with our logo design team: Bob Stohrer, Marc DeBartolomeis, Russ Khaydarov, and our intern Max Ma.  We spent the majority of Saturday and Sunday designing the logo from start to finish, and we had a ton of fun weighing every minute detail.


By Rubens Saintel

Proud father, #Haitian, photographer, consultant, writer & entrepreneur. I love video games, movies, plays, technology (surprise), beta testing apps and all things sci-fi. | |