
We think that J.J. Abrams directing Star Trek and Star Wars is the real problem. That is the real blasphemy.

It was once said that “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” What should have been added is that social media will lead to endless debate. Before the movie is even out the Star Wars: Episode VII—The Force Awakens trailer is causing some people to get a little bent out of shape. There have been tweets with the #BoycottStarWarsVII hashtag flying around. Why? Well some think that the new Star Wars movie promotes the white genocide. That it was made to demoralize and destroy Whites. umm.. That is the most ridiculous racist thing I have ever heard.

I am all for the #BoycottStarWarsVII for the right reason. The fact that none of the main folks in the movie are white males is not one of them. The main characters in the movie are Daisy Ridley a woman, John Boyega is black British man and Oscar Isaac a Guatemalan American. As a fan of science fiction I think that J.J. Abrams directing Star Trek and Star Wars is the real problem. That is the real problem. It’s just blasphemy. I mean yeah he did a great job with the first Star Trek movie but just look what he did to the show LOST. I am still trying to figure what happened in that last final episode. Let us not forget the cast of that show was highly multicultural. As for Star Wars, there are no multicultural agenda plots going on. In fact it’s about time we add a little color to the movie franchise that has a little substance. I mean we did have to put up with Chewbacca, Wookies, Ewoks and crème dela crème Jar Jar Binks. We here at and The Nightly Dish have discovered that there were really only ever three characters of color in a combine seven movies. I think a different type of lead is not a bad idea. It’s about time don’t you think? #CelebrateStarWarsVII Oh, and while we are at it. On a closing note, the next James Bond movie should be played by Idris Elba.


By Rubens Saintel

Proud father, #Haitian, photographer, consultant, writer & entrepreneur. I love video games, movies, plays, technology (surprise), beta testing apps and all things sci-fi. | |