“Replaceable charcoal filter removes organic contaminates from regular municipal tap water and meets or exceeds International Standard 42 for chlorine, taste and odor reduction. $9.95–$12.99.
If your tap-water tastes good, and your bottled-water-habit is purely because you’re too lazy to fill your own container or because your local water tastes like fresh fish were just in, then I have an answer: The Bobble Bottle.
The Bobble Bottle is a recycled plastic water bottle with a filter in its lid. This activated carbon filter acts just like the one you may have in your filter-jug at home, clearing out anything the municipal processing facility may have left behind or added. You fill the bottle, screw on the lid and that’s it. The water is filtered on its way out as it drops sweet hydration into your parched mouth.
Bobble has a two-month life for each filter, and replacements cost $7 each. That’s less than a few bottles of Poland Spring. Bottles run from 13oz ($9) to 34oz ($13), and multi-colored kids’ sizes. You can refill anywhere. Bobble, I could fill-up from pretty much any water source.