If you trade stocks or thinking about trading stocks. The first thing you need to do is your research. You need to know where a stock has been and where it is going. The best way to do that is with something called seasonal analysis. It is where you look for reliable seasonal patterns in the market. That is what the app Seasonalysis does quickly, effectively and most importantly; accurately. Just enter a company name or symbol and Seasonalysis give you data in tabular and chart formats.
Seasonalysis uses a comparative analysis algorithm that goes through every year of available data to determine if any seasonal patterns exist. The minimum criteria for a valid seasonal pattern is at least 75% past repeatability. If you know that a good stock is going to dip lower than its 52 high. You can buy it on the cheap. One thing to know before you get started is that it does not come cheap. You have heard it takes money to make money. In this case that is a fact. Seasonalysis has a very high price. Seasonalysis is a unique app in that it does in fact work very well and is one of the few apps that can pay for itself in a matter of a few trades. There is nothing like it in the App Store and the closes program for the PC cost a few hundred more. The Pro Trader platform for the PC which has seasonal analysis by comparison cost $898.
Pro: The app is the lowest you will pay for anything comparable on a pc. There is no other app like it on the iOS. It does in fact make you money.
Con: The cost is $79.99. That is a big number to get over to pay for an app. So try to look at it this way. Would you pay that much for a good stock? If the answer is yes. Then buy this app. If the answer is no then this app is not for you.
Cost: $79.99
Aye/Nay: This is a Aye. This app is for people who a really into stocks. This is not for the average Joe unless they are serious about doing research on companies are ready to make an investment in their investments. $80 is worth it for what it does.
iTunes Link: Seasonalysis
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