This site is at its heart a Sunday flyer. At its worse a cluttered site. What it does is fall somewhere between both of those. It goes a step further than clipping. It is also a sharing site sort of like Living Social. When you upload a coupon for people to use. Every time someone uses a coupon you’ve uploaded, Coupon Chief will give you 2% of the sales. This is something that no one else is doing and does set it apart from the others.
It also has stores. These stores are listed in alphabet order from 1 Stop Florists to zZounds and everything in between. These stores have coupons. Lots and lots of coupons. The problem comes in when these coupons do not work. I tested 125 coupons for this review of the site. Just 32 did not work. Which in the grand scheme of things that is a good ratio. You would think that but as a customer I expect all of them to work. That can not be done since users are the ones uploading the coupons. I think to help with this out, users should be rated on their reliability. works on it by asking you Did this coupon work? You can say yes or no. If you say no, the coupon goes away right then and there.
Most online retailers now include a field to enter a promotional or coupon code during the checkout process. Some typical discounts might look like “10% Off your order” or “Free Shipping on orders over $25”
Head over to and search for the domain where you’re making a purchase (ie. or even just
Write down or copy the code to your clipboard. Then click the “use it” link to go directly to the store where you want to make a purchase.
Shop around the store and find what you want to buy.
During checkout, look for the special box that says coupon or promotional code. Sometimes this might be after submitting your credit card but always before final order submission.
Submit the coupon code you copied down earlier and…
Voilà! You should see your savings applied.
What I do not like about the stores section is that it is not really official. The companies do not endorse these coupons nor do they offer any. A company such as Best Buy has a big bank check. That means they have a lot of cash. Cash helps with lawyers. Lawyers take down sites that infringe on their clients copyrights and trademarks.
Best Buy is a store that is listed on the site with logo and all. If you go to the bottom of the stores it will read:
“Attention Store Owners – Are you an owner or representative of Best Buy? Click Here to claim that role, and unlock our Merchant Portal functionality”
I find this problematic for the longevity of the site. That is really the only bad thing that can be said about this site. It is well designed for the way it is going to be used. The navigation is to the point and clear. I have been using it since I started testing it last week. To take full advantage of the community being built look for to get a mobile app. It would be wonderful if could just enter a coupon you see in the store via an app or let the cashier read your phone to see the code. I look for this site to grow soon and fast. Join now.
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