Best Buy is guaranteeing your handset will be available for pickup on Friday, October 14th. That is a bold statement for them to make but Best Buy is big enough to fill it. So if you haven’t yet preordered their iPhone 4S there is still hope short of waiting inline for one. They are also offering up to $300 for an iPhone 4 as part of its Phone Trade-In offer. That is a very good deal, considering the iPhone 4 is not that old.
iPhone 4S preorders began today on Apple, AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint. All sites then crashed for a few hours. So someone people were not able to jump on the iphone fanboy line. Now that Best Buy is offering it that helps a lot of people. You can go to the store instead of siting and waiting for a delivery.
Best Buy is guaranteeing that the iPhone 4s will be available in store on the 14th because although they are offering preorders starting on Oct 7th, all sales on the 14th will be FCFS and they will not begin filling their preorders until Oct 15th, pending availability. Which means if you preordered through BB, there is a possibility you wont get your iPhone until the 2nd shipment comes in. So, WHY preorder? Complete customer service failure.
I agree, Jessica. I pre-ordered mine from BB and haven’t heard a thing. I’m so anxious and a little peeved that the pre-order customers wouldn’t get the phone first. Doesn’t make sense at all. Next time I’ll just pre-order directly from Apple or AT&T to eliminate the hassle.
That’s not what my Best Buy is saying. Pre-orders first, then FCFS.