
The last time Nintendo had a hot system was the gimmick Nintendo Wii. The Classic system does not count. If you happen to be in New York in early January and part of the press you might be able to try the new hotness. Reports are circulating that Nintendo will host a hands-on event for the upcoming Switch on January 13th in New York City. A day earlier on January 12th Nintendo will host a live-streamed presentation about the Switch in Japan. In that event Nintendo plans to unveil the release date, price and of course the all important launch games of the Switch.

As the time of this post Nintendo has not publicly announced the event yet or give a location for the event. The on only thing we know is the city it will be held. We have less than a month to find out all the facts but that the rate these leaks are happening it won’t be that hard. Nintendo’s Switch is officially scheduled to launch in March 2017.

The  NYC Switch event “will further emphasize some of the details that Nintendo plans to announce.” ~Nintendo