The Run down of the new iPad 2
- The iPad 2 is 8.8mm thin (33% thinner)
- A5 dual core chip (9x better graphics)
- 1.3 pounds
- Same 10 hours of battery life
- It will work on both AT&T and Verizon
- It will be available in white and black
- Dedicated Silent button
- Same price and same sizes as iPad 1
- Accelerometer
- HDMI 1080p out will also charge your iPad 2 as well ($39)
- Smart covers with magnets (Not too sure of how safe that is) Polyurethane cases are $39 & leather cases are $69.
- Comes with 4.3 install (beware jailbreakers, there is no jailbreak for that firmware yet)
The new Apps
Garage Band ($4.99 March 11th)
iMovie ($4.99 March 11th)
Photo Booth
Well you wanted you waited and here it is. Most of what I said in my iPad2: The Facts Vs. Rumors post were right on. There is no SD card slot, it will be CDMA/GSM, front and back cameras. This is the video of the new device. I think does does feel like a refresh for Apple to catch up to what other devices were doing already. I do not feel that this time there is anything magical about this device other than the price. How they managed to keep it at $499 must really tick of other tablet manufacturers to no end. If you do not already have one you might want to start saving right now. If you do have one. It’s time to regift , eBay, Amazon , or that thing. This is how it was summed up by Apple
“So iPad 2 — amazing product. Faster, lighter, thinner. Cameras and gyro. iOS 4.3 and FaceTime. iMovie and GarageBand. 3G on AT&T and Verizon. Same battery life. Same prices. Black and white. Smart Covers.”
You can not yet order it on the Apple site. You can oder it the same day it comes to stores. March 11th. Now are you not happy that you waited? Good for you. Will you be one of those that wait for iPad 3 following what was side by one of the Apple employees? Nah.. Me either.