Do you have multiple iOS devices that you manage? Maybe they belong to your family members. Or maybe you just have more than one. Whatever the case, using a device management app is probably going to help you ensure that you have all the documents and apps that you need on each of your devices. Even though Apple Configurator 2 is directed towards school and businesses, it’s a free macOS tool that will go a long way in organizing your “stuff”.
Adding Apps to iOS
First, you’ll need to install Apple Configurator 2 on your Mac. It’s a pretty simple process, so shouldn’t have any difficulty with the install. In order to manage your iOS device, you’ll need to have it physically connected via USB to the Mac running Apple Configurator2. You can use a USB hub for multiple devices or if you have multiple daisy-chained displays, you can use the USB ports that exist on the back of each display. Once connected, your device will enumerate and display itself in Apple Configurator 2.
- Plug in your device to USB.
- Wait for your device to enumerate. Once enumerated, your device will appear as an exact replica in Apple Configurator 2 of what exists on the physical device including wallpapers and apps.
- Option click the image of the device you want to manage.
- Select Add.
- Select Apps.
- You can either sign into iTunes or optionally close apps saved on your Mac.
Select the apps you’d like installed and click Add.
Your Mac will now download the selected applications and install them on the iOS devices being managed.
How to Remove Apps
- Select Remove.
- Select Apps.
- Choose the apps you want to remove and click Remove Apps.
- Click Remove on the confirmation reminder dialog.
Your devices will synchronize and remove the selected apps.
How to Add Documents
- Select Add.
- Select Documents.
- Select the type of document subsystem you wish to add. For example, if wanted to add a Pages document, I’d select the Pages icon.
- Click Choose.
- Use finder to locate the document you want and click Add.
The documents will then be copied to your iOS devices.
Remove or Export Documents
You cannot remove a document once it’s on a device from Apple Configurator 2 (other than wiping a device’s complete saved items) but you can Export documents.
- Select Export.
- Select Documents.
- Select the type of documents subsystem you wish to export. For example, if wanted to export Numbers documents, I’d select the Numbers icon.
- Chose the export location and click Export.
- Use Finder to access the exported files.
Device Summary
You can finally get a quick glance of your device or a more detailed look if you desire:
- Option click the image of the iOS device you wish more information for.
- Select the view Quick view for a overview synopsis.
- Optionally select the view Get Info more more detailed information
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