Seems the new head of Xbox Phil Spencer has his work cut out for him. The console “war” is not over just yet but since November Sony kicking butt and taking names. The sales of both systems are doing well better than last versions. The PlayStation took an early lead never looked back. The margin is just getting wider with each month. Sony PS4 so far has sold over 6 million systems while Microsoft’s Xbox One sits at just over 4 million systems sold. There is hope for the system. Xbox One may try to focus on TV. Since Spencer did not say what he or Microsoft will be doing to garb the minds and more importantly the wallets of the core gamer; one is left to wait. While we wait, lets hope Microsoft does not focus so much on the games that they forget about the great media capabilities. Looks we are going to have to wait until E3 for updates on what he plans to do.
The PC, obviously, is a top priority for us as a company Gaming on PC is incredibly strong, but we as a platform company can do a better job in that ecosystem and those are conversations Terry Myerson and I are having almost daily about that focus. ~Xbox boss Phil Spencer Terry Myerson is Microsoft’s operating systems executive.
Microsoft will be sending out invites to a few Xbox Live members to explore the new Xbox One TV features. This early access will show off some of the Xbox One’s new TV control features. You will be able to set a DVR. However, this is not a DVR in the system. You will also be able to watch the recording on a tablet or smartphone. No word on what ISP providers are supporting that feature just yet. Your SmartGalss will also be able to take over for the OneGuide. That is a welcome feature since when you hit OneGuide it takes over the whole screen now. If you are not one of the lucky few to receive this update, don’t fret; you will get it later this year. A feature that is coming to everyone very soon is the “Rent Once, Play Anywhere,” which lets Xbox Live users playback their content anywhere on any device. Similar to Netflix or Hulu, you will be asked if you want to continue where you left off. Xbox One needs to get HBO Go on the system ASAP since Game of Thrones starts this Sunday.
“Xbox One is our most important gaming asset to date. [We want to] make sure we’re completely focused on that gaming customer, that core gaming fan. Making sure of that, that’s what I’m going to bring to this position is a focus on gaming for Xbox One. The entertainment features that we have on Xbox One are important, but those can’t come at a cost for what we do for the core gamer. I’m looking at the E3 line-up and it’s incredibly strong both with sequels and new IP, unannounced things. ~Xbox boss Phil Spencer