
Microsoft in the post Steve Ballmer era seems to be changing the face of the company one new product at a time. Office on iPad was more than well received by the press and end users alike. The return of the Windows button in 8.1 update is also a reversal that many are applauding. Cortana looks to keep the good vibes going. The digital assistant is a lot more like Apple’s Siri than Google Now with one big difference, Cortana works.

There is nothing more frustrating than asking Siri a question only for it to tell you that it can’t help you. Microsoft has released over 10 new videos about the digital assistant. The differences between Siri and Cortana is like night and day. Cortana is fast and 100% more accurate. Microsoft’s Cortana has a very interesting “personality”  but if you are a Halo die hard fan you are going to be disappointed. Cortana does not look like or sound like the Halo AI. However, there are many Halo jokes planted in there. I hope Microsoft expands Cortana to other properties. I’m looking at you Xbox One. 

Who is Cortana?


Cortana’s thought on Siri


Cortana saves your social life


Cortana vs. Siri




By Rubens Saintel

Proud father, #Haitian, photographer, consultant, writer & entrepreneur. I love video games, movies, plays, technology (surprise), beta testing apps and all things sci-fi. | |