Saintel Almost Daily: The Podcast
This is just a little bit of the podcast that I have been doing. This week I go full HD video now that I have to kinks worked out.
Music news:
Dru Hill has gotten back together and are about to drop a new CD titled InDrupendence Day. They also have a new member Tao who won ‘Dru Hill Idol’ so to speak. It was 25 contestants in Baltimore, MD. I don’t think they will have the same Apple that they had when they first came out. I for one can not hear a Thong song one more time or anything like it.
Movie news:
Marvel Studios will have joss Whedon to helm “The Avengers,” which assembles the Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and the Incredible in one movie due out on May 4, 2012. Whedon, is The creator of series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Angel,” “Firefly” and “Dollhouse. He recently helmed an episode of Fox’s “Glee.” “.” Whedon has a long relationship with Marvel. He wrote for the comic book company’s “Astonishing X-Men” series