Steelers vs. Ravens: This was going to be a an epic fight. It was not at the start. When Ravens pulled out by two touchdowns. Everyone thought it was over. Except the Steelers who fought back with 21 unanswered points. Then went on to win the game. It was sad to see but to be expected. The game between these two defensive powerhouses are never blow outs. Rather they are war. This time as in the past Steelers won again 31-24. Next year they will be at it again.
Steelers vs. Ravens: Steelers Win Again
ByRubens Saintel
Jan 15, 2011 #American, #Baltimore Ravens, #Football, #National Football League, #NFL, #Pittsburgh Steelers, #sport, #SteelersBy Rubens Saintel
Proud father, #Haitian, photographer, consultant, writer & entrepreneur. I love video games, movies, plays, technology (surprise), beta testing apps and all things sci-fi. | |